WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair

WW2 Polish WZ29 rifle ammo pouches pair

ENG WW2 Polish wz.29 Mauser rifle ammo pouches. Very good condition. Inside flap polish army stamps. Inside pouches wood block´s, which holded artillery breech-lock primes when finish army used pouches in post-war years. These blocks are screwed to pouch. Very good and rare pouches.
FIN 2MS Puolalainen wz.29 Mauser kiväärin patruunataskut. Ruskeaa nahkaa, läpän sisäpuolella Puolan armeijan leimoja. Taskuissa sisällä puupala, missä on pidetty tykin lukkonalleja. Hyvä kuntoinen tasku.

Code: 55801