WW2 Civil guards round class oil bottle and grease tin WW2 Civil guards round class oil bottle and grease tin WW2 Civil guards round class oil bottle and grease tin WW2 Civil guards round class oil bottle and grease tin

WW2 Civil guards round class oil bottle and grease tin

FIN 2MS Suojeluskunnan lasinen aseöljy pullo ja rasva-astia. Pullossa Sky kohokirjaimin korkissa. Ruskeaa lasia. Bakeliitti korkki. Pieni metalli astia rasvalle, SY kannessa. Erittäin harvinainen lasipullo.
ENG WW2 Finnish Civil-guards oil bottle and grease tin. Brown class bottle with SkY- marking on bakelite cork. Height 11cm. Rare and nice bottle. Grease tin an round metal tin with embossed SY in cover. Nice set!

Code: 55524