WW2 US army ski snow goggles 2nd type WW2 US army ski snow goggles 2nd type WW2 US army ski snow goggles 2nd type WW2 US army ski snow goggles 2nd type WW2 US army ski snow goggles 2nd type

WW2 US army ski snow goggles 2nd type

FIN 2MS US armeijan hiihto ja lumi suojalasit. Toinen malli. Kotelo puuttuu. Kirkkaat linssit. Kangas sivusta ja keinoturkis pehmennykset. Kohtuulliset suojalasit.
ENG WW2 US army ski and snow goggles. 2nd type goggles. Glass lenses bright. OD canvas at side and fur trim in fair condition. Fair pair of early mountain goggles.

Code: 54946